Friday, July 29, 2011

Hijrah + Quick Updates

Sudah sangat lama rasanya jari jemari ni tidak menulis, tak tahu lah masih ada yg membaca ataupun tidak. Masih belum bertemu idea mungkin. Mungkin juga masih belum dapat mengatur masa sebaiknya dengan jumlah tanggungjawab yang bertambah.

So here are some quick updates:

1) As you can read in the title, I'll be moving to a new blog, so all my future posts will be there insyaAllah. But this blog will remain alive with hope that some posts in it will remain beneficial to others. Blog baru ini insyaAllah merupakan perkongsian saya dan isteri saya, yang diharapkan boleh memberi manfaat kepada sesiapa juga yang membacanya. Jadi, jemputlah bertandang ke Nuqtah Bidayah... [Titik Bermula]

2) I removed the chatbox since there's a lot of spam coming, also i don't think it is of much importance, so anything you need to say, feel free to leave your comments in any of my posts, even if it's unrelated.

3) I've been on hiatus for so long from writing a post or shooting a proper photo. Even in the new blog, till now, my wife is the only who's been writing there, as a matter of fact, she's a better writer than me, haha. The most i did in the blog so far is writing some comments. InsyaAllah i'll write a post sooner or later.

4) The final exam is just around the corner, and there are tonnes of studying that need to be done. Ibu dengan mama pun dah pesan supaya score dlm exam final kali ni mcm sem lepas, semoga Allah membantu. Pray for us peeps! Yes, i mean you who's reading this post! Thanks!

5) Last but not least, Ramadhan is only a few days away, so I wish all of you, selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak dengan ibadah yang bertimbun-timbun, semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih baik/cemerlang/mantap daripada Ramadhan2 yang lepas di dalam hayat kita.

1 Extra Sharings (Comments):

N-S said...

lma xupdate...